Team-building events - First Floor Restaurant
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Team-building events

The interior of the First Floor restaurant is the ideal place for a team-building meeting

Excellent menu and sophisticated atmosphere

Are you looking for a place where your employees will feel comfortable enough to make a team-building event work and consolidate the team even more? You've come to the right place! The interiors of the First Floor restaurant are the ideal place for a team-building meeting, not only because we offer an excellent menu, but also because it is extremely comfortable here. We will set up the tables in any configuration so that everyone in the party can look into each other's eyes, indulge in fun conversations and truly feel that they are a team. In what we call the 'meeting point', guests will find comfortable sofas that are perfect for forgetting the semi-official nature of the event and feeling completely at ease. First Floor restaurant is arranged with great attention to detail. We aimed at creating a space that is easily adaptable to the individual needs of a variety of client groups. And we have done it. Team-building events in our restaurant are a pure pleasure. Book a date for your employees - you're bound to come back again and again.

Unique atmosphere

The venue for a corporate event in Warsaw must be truly unique. We firmly believe that the First Floor restaurant is just such a place. We have created interiors that are aesthetically sublime, modern, but with a clear reference to the Art Deco style. It is a space full of light, comfortable seating and atmospheric corners where you can sit down for a quiet chat. The restaurant's unique atmosphere attracts not only individual customers but also groups. Team-building events for corporate groups are some of the events that we take great pleasure in organising. We too are a close-knit team and are aware of the importance of integrating people focused on a common goal. Cyclical team-building meetings result not only in closer bonds between employees, but also in new ideas for the development of the entire company and individual projects. The layout of the First Floor restaurant favours both large team-building meetings as well as "working in sub-groups", and the unique atmosphere contributes to the fact that we are one of the most frequently booked for corporate events restaurants in Wola.

Find out about our restaurant offer

If we have managed to convince you of the attractiveness of our offer, please contact us by any means and make an appointment. In addition to the room arrangement and table layout, you are probably interested in the menu. We believe that One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well. These words by Virginia Woolf fit perfectly with the mission of our restaurant: we want every corporate team-building event, family gathering or business event held at the First Floor restaurant to be enriched by an exquisite menu. You can opt for à la carte dishes or for a menu designed according to the dietary requirements of the participants in the team-building event. The offer of our restaurant includes both traditional Polish and Mediterranean dishes.

Contact us and find out more about our offer:
+48 22 255 99 50

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