First Floor Restaurant
Zamknij X

Atmospheric restaurant in Warsaw's Wola district

Perfect for your event

Secure and lockable conference room









Organise with us your

Family events

The most important events in a family’s life call for a noble setting. A wedding, a one-year birthday party or a communion at First Floor Restaurant is a recipe for an unforgettable celebration.

Team-building events

Integration is more than just a meeting. Spend some quality time with a delicious menu, excellent service and a unique atmosphere.

Business events

Invite your business partners to a meeting at First Floor Restaurant. Make the most of our space for professional events. Company meetings, negotiations in the VIP area or the celebration of already concluded contracts will be honoured with a unique menu and a live cooking atmosphere.

First Floor Scene

NEW! Weekend concerts with live music at our Restaurant. Check the date of the upcoming event in the EVENTS tab.

Meat seasoning

Seasoning of Polish Black Angus beef

Seasoning of Polish Black Angus beef

In our restaurant, we take care of every detail to provide our guests with an unforgettable culinary and visual experience. That's why we season meat in our special cabinet to guarantee the unique taste of each dish. For us, seasoning is not just a process, but a real art that makes each bite full of intense flavor and aroma. Our philosophy is based on striving for perfection, which is why we select only the best Polish Black Angus beef and carefully season it.


Dishes from a wood-fired oven

Discover the unique flavors of our dishes prepared using the MIBRASA oven!

Discover the unique flavors of our dishes prepared using the MIBRASA oven!

The MIBRASA oven used in our Restaurant is synonymous with excellence in food preparation. By using wood-fired technology in a controlled manner, our dishes acquire a unique character and aroma. Not only does the MIBRASA oven perfectly bring out the flavour of the ingredients, but it also gives dishes a unique, deep smoky note that emphasises their uniqueness. From succulent steaks to tender fish and roasted vegetables, our dishes prepared using the MIBRASA oven impress with their craftsmanship and attention to detail.


Lunch menu

We serve lunch 5 days a week from 12:00 to 17:00

Come and visit us during the week between 12 pm and 5 pm for takeaway or delivery via! Savour our unique dishes with all your senses! The lunch menu at our restaurant in Wola changes daily, 5 days a week.



„Life is where you sleep and what you see when you wake up in the morning, and who you tell about your weird dream, and what you eat for breakfast and who you eat it with.”

Enjoy our exquisite breakfasts every day. You will always find a selection of excellent foods, drinks and side dishes. Start off a successful day energised with our inspiring breakfasts! Breakfast to go or delivered to your suite? No problem at all!

À la carte

"Anybody can make you enjoy the first bite of a dish, but only a real chef can make you enjoy the last."
Francois Minot

Outstanding dishes call for an exceptional setting. The essence of our cuisine revolves around the highest quality products and attention to detail. The sophisticated dishes prepared by our chefs will delight the senses and satisfy the appetite for a long time.

À la carte menu


Equipped conference room

The conference room in our restaurant is a friendly, spacious and modern space designed with the utmost care and attention to functionality. The room is equipped with a state-of-the-art screen and projector with a rear-projection system with wi-fi. In addition, it comes with a large TV and a sound system and air conditioning. Our team will be happy to assist in connecting equipment and ensure the comfort of both organisers and participants of business meetings. During breaks, guests can look forward to delicious coffee, sweet snacks, fruit variations and an excellent lunch to satisfy good taste enthusiasts.

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Room Service

We invite you to take advantage of our unique Room Service at Varsovia Apartments! During your stay at our facility, you can enjoy comfort and delicious meals without leaving your apartment.

Location of the restaurant

We are located in the Varsovia Apartments building on the first floor - as the name says First Floor Restaurant!

Anyway, we will admit that there is no other restaurant in Warsaw with such a beautiful glass staircase leading to it, probably one of the most photographed by our guests.

For restaurant guests free underground parking in the Varsovia Apartments building.

Contact details

Restaurant address

First Floor Warszawa Wola Restaurant

31 Kasprzaka Street, 01-234 Warsaw
(in the Varsovia Apartments building)

For restaurant guests free underground parking in the Varsovia Apartments building.
+48 22 255 99 50

Plan your route

Opening hours

Monday - Wednesday 7:00 am - 8:00 pm
Thursday - Friday 7:00 am - 10:00 pm
Saturday 8:00 am - 10:00 pm
Sunday 8:00 am - 6:00 pm

Ask a question

Zanim wyruszysz w kulinarną podróż – zjedz ciasteczko!
Strona wykorzystuje ciasteczka(cookies).

EN Wyrażenie zgody na przetwarzanie danych osobowych jest dobrowolne, a także, że przysługują Ci prawa dostępu do Twoich danych osobowych, ich poprawiania, cofnięcia zgody w dowolnym momencie i żądanie ich usunięcia. Zachęcamy do zapoznania się z pozostałymi informacjami dotyczącymi przetwarzania danych osobowych dostępnymi w Polityce prywatności. W razie jakichkolwiek pytań jesteśmy do Twojej dyspozycji pod adresem:

TAK, zgadzam się na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych przez podmioty z Grupy Kapitałowej J.W. Construction Holding S.A. w celu przesyłania informacji handlowych w drodze korespondencji e-mail zgodnie z art. 6 ust. 1 lit a RODO w zw. z art. 10 ust. 2 ustawy o świadczeniu usług drogą elektroniczną.

TAK, zgadzam się na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych przez podmioty z Grupy Kapitałowej J.W. Construction Holding S.A. poprzez nawiązywanie kontaktu telefonicznego w celach handlowych i marketingowych zgodnie z art. 6 ust. 1 lit a RODO w zw. z art. 172 Prawo telekomunikacyjne.

Link do polityki prywatności,polityka-prywatnosci1