Communion receptions - First Floor Restaurant
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Communion receptions

First Communion Reception is a very special family gathering

Unique reception

This is why it is so important to take care of the setting of the event, especially to get together around the table, in a relaxed family atmosphere and with fine food. However, it is not always possible to hold the first communion reception at home, especially if the premises, number of guests or other circumstances do not favour such an event.

The decision to have a festive dinner prepared away from home stems from the fact that you want to host your loved ones in a truly professional manner. This is particularly important if long-lost relatives are to attend. At the same time, you also give yourself a break - you'd rather sit behind the table and enjoy conversation and fine food instead of spending time in the kitchen. Nor do you have to think about how to put together a communion menu so that it appeals to all your guests. You don't have to prepare a shopping list, spend hours in the shops looking for fresh products and find a place to store lots of food. And after the party, you won't be left with the problem of cleaning up a pile of plates and managing leftover dishes.

First Floor Restaurant undertakes to organise communion in Warsaw in such a way that your child and you and the whole family will feel at ease. First Communion reception in a restaurant certainly offers many advantages. It is more elegant, a fact that your child will also feel. Discreet waiter service ensures that there is no bustle and commotion around the guests, which usually accompanies this type of celebration at home when the food is being served and the crockery changed.

You can also count on beautifully set tables and decorations to make your family meal a truly special event. You and your loved ones will appreciate not only the delicious cuisine but also the aesthetics of the venue - it will make for a truly beautiful day and a wonderful event. You will be able to celebrate the spiritual festivities in an intimate - or slightly larger - group and indulge in the memories that inevitably accompany such celebrations.

Special menu for First Communion

The organisation of Communion includes, among other things, a festive reception in the form of a dinner with starters. It lasts slightly shorter than a wedding, due to the age of the main figure of such an event. This is why the menu for the communion reception revolves around warm main courses.

Of course, they are not the only ones on the communion table. Depending on how many guests you invite, how far away they have come and how long you plan to celebrate, the traditional two-course dinner with dessert can be supplemented with starters. There should also be no shortage of cake on the table and sweets for the youngest attendees of the reception.

When choosing a menu for communion at a restaurant, you must remember that your child is the most important guest at the reception. Therefore, among the dishes that will be on the table, there should be some that are liked by and suitable for children. We organise communion receptions in Warsaw and have experience in this, so we will be happy to help you. We will also suggest how to compose a set meal if your loved ones include people with special culinary preferences, allergies or who are on a diet.

If you have been impressed by our interiors and the location suits your needs, please feel free to contact us. Together, we will develop a special communion menu, taking into account the dietary needs of all guests. We do not insist on a'la carte dishes, although they are truly outstanding. However, we assume that you are the one who knows best what will please your guests' palates and what foods they should avoid - the list of allergens is displayed on our menu, so we can get straight down to business at the start of the meeting and plan a special communion menu at First Floor Restaurant.

We will prepare a traditional broth with noodles as well as creamy soups or more exquisite dishes. We will compose a menu with vegetarian dishes, gluten-free and much more. Communion in a restaurant does not have to be traditional, however. Perhaps you would like to surprise your guests with unusual culinary ideas to make the reception even more interesting and memorable by tasting exquisite and rarely eaten dishes.

Our chefs will be happy to advise you should you wish to go beyond the traditional Polish menu, but are not proficient enough in the culinary floors of taste and aroma to make the decision yourself. Our restaurant may be located on the first floor, but the skills and imagination of our chefs are so much higher! In addition to traditional dishes, we therefore offer experimental ones as well as those prepared for special requests from our customers. All are served with great attention to aesthetics, which is extremely important to us - after all, a good meal pleases all the senses.

Professional organisation of the reception

Perfect communion reception is certainly every parent's dream. However, not everyone has the technical means, time or skills to prepare such an event at home. If you have a small flat, a modestly equipped kitchen and your culinary talents are limited to daily lunches, entrust this task to specialists. This is a particularly good idea if you are inviting a large group of guests with varied culinary tastes.

We are professionals in every way. We know how to prepare the room, compose the menu or discreetly serve the food. Our wait staff will ensure that guests' plates are always clean and ready to taste new dishes. We will make tea or coffee on request, and at set times we will serve hot dishes of your personal choice or communion cake and other pastries. And all this in an aesthetically elegant setting and on beautifully set tables. Organising a communion party in Warsaw requires booking long in advance. Start considering today if First Floor Restaurant is not the best place to invite your guests to.

We will organise the event with the utmost professionalism. The restaurant staff will make you feel like a guest yourself, not an organiser - you will be at the exclusive disposal of the most important person on the day - your child - and all the loved ones who are celebrating with you. Experience emotional moments that you will always treasure. The magnificent interiors of the First Floor restaurant in the Varsovia Apartments building are the ideal venue for communion reception.

We listen carefully to the opinions of all our visitors. We will therefore also adapt to your needs and dreams of perfect reception, tasty dishes, a peaceful gathering with your loved ones, whom you can invite right back to us when the next occasion presents itself.

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EN Wyrażenie zgody na przetwarzanie danych osobowych jest dobrowolne, a także, że przysługują Ci prawa dostępu do Twoich danych osobowych, ich poprawiania, cofnięcia zgody w dowolnym momencie i żądanie ich usunięcia. Zachęcamy do zapoznania się z pozostałymi informacjami dotyczącymi przetwarzania danych osobowych dostępnymi w Polityce prywatności. W razie jakichkolwiek pytań jesteśmy do Twojej dyspozycji pod adresem:

TAK, zgadzam się na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych przez podmioty z Grupy Kapitałowej J.W. Construction Holding S.A. w celu przesyłania informacji handlowych w drodze korespondencji e-mail zgodnie z art. 6 ust. 1 lit a RODO w zw. z art. 10 ust. 2 ustawy o świadczeniu usług drogą elektroniczną.

TAK, zgadzam się na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych przez podmioty z Grupy Kapitałowej J.W. Construction Holding S.A. poprzez nawiązywanie kontaktu telefonicznego w celach handlowych i marketingowych zgodnie z art. 6 ust. 1 lit a RODO w zw. z art. 172 Prawo telekomunikacyjne.

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