Corporate events - First Floor Restaurant
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Corporate events

An ideal space for business meetings

We specialise in corporate events

Comfort and convenience

Invite your business partners to a meeting at First Floor Restaurant. We specialise in corporate events, team-building events, but we also give you the space to negotiate, celebrate contracts that have already been concluded or business talks that are expected to result in such contracts. The specific arrangement of the space makes it possible to plan any type of business meeting - whether less or more formal. In a space that is perfectly arranged, well lit and not overloaded with details, you will certainly be able to conduct important discussions in a manner that will bring you and your business partners to a successful conclusion. Productive negotiations should always be accompanied by a delicious meal. We offer a phenomenal menu, but also declare willingness to cater for off-card orders - dishes from the furthest corners of the globe. Thanks to the open kitchen, you can watch our chefs at work and with every passing moment become more and more confident that choosing the First Floor restaurant was no mistake.

Business meeting point

Organising events in Warsaw might seem like a trivial task. Meanwhile, finding a truly uniquely arranged space is difficult - unification has reached not only office space but also catering establishments. Seeking to break out of this unifying trend, we have created a venue arranged and decorated according to the principles of the Art Deco style. It is a luxurious and elegant style, renowned for its attention to detail; a style with geometric lines and muted colours - in our case, white and blue and a fresh green to bring life to this combination. Depending on your needs, we can create a space in our restaurant with one large communal table, but we can just as easily adapt to the requirements of a small intimate meeting, requiring silence and conditions that allow you to focus on serious negotiations. The First Floor restaurant in the Varsovia apartment building is a place simply made for business meetings. We will gladly adapt to your requirements - contact us and let's work out together how the business meeting you have high hopes for should go.

VIP zone offer

To make your decision even easier, we offer to organise a VIP zone. We will create an intimate environment for conversations that require exceptional focus and a unique aesthetic setting. Our staff will do their best to ensure that your business meeting in the VIP zone runs smoothly, in a relaxed atmosphere and is accompanied by a delicious meal. If you have any special requests for an event planned with us, let's meet and discuss the details. It is not why we have created a perfect space, easy to rearrange, so that we can now impose our vision of a successful corporate event on you. Team-building events, corporate events, business meetings - we know how to ensure that the setting for these types of events is tailor-made for our clients. First Floor Restaurant welcomes you - let's plan an important meeting for you together.

Contact us and find out more about our offer:
+48 22 255 99 50

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EN Wyrażenie zgody na przetwarzanie danych osobowych jest dobrowolne, a także, że przysługują Ci prawa dostępu do Twoich danych osobowych, ich poprawiania, cofnięcia zgody w dowolnym momencie i żądanie ich usunięcia. Zachęcamy do zapoznania się z pozostałymi informacjami dotyczącymi przetwarzania danych osobowych dostępnymi w Polityce prywatności. W razie jakichkolwiek pytań jesteśmy do Twojej dyspozycji pod adresem:

TAK, zgadzam się na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych przez podmioty z Grupy Kapitałowej J.W. Construction Holding S.A. w celu przesyłania informacji handlowych w drodze korespondencji e-mail zgodnie z art. 6 ust. 1 lit a RODO w zw. z art. 10 ust. 2 ustawy o świadczeniu usług drogą elektroniczną.

TAK, zgadzam się na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych przez podmioty z Grupy Kapitałowej J.W. Construction Holding S.A. poprzez nawiązywanie kontaktu telefonicznego w celach handlowych i marketingowych zgodnie z art. 6 ust. 1 lit a RODO w zw. z art. 172 Prawo telekomunikacyjne.

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